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Contract Alerts Search Contract Alerts

An e-mail and web-based service that highlights each day's most important SEC filings pertaining to variable annuities. Through Contract Alerts learn about the latest VA products, pricing, and advisory arrangements as soon as they are made public.

7/24/2024 - Hartford Fifth Third Director M
7/24/2024 - Prudential Annuities Advanced Series Xtra Credit Six Premier
7/24/2024 - Prudential FlexGuard Income B Series
7/24/2024 - Lincoln ChoicePlus Design
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VA/VL Fund Flow Watch: May 2024
by Staff 7/2/2024

The VA/VL Fund Flow Watch Series offers a snapshot from the Simfund VA database. This three-page document includes the top 25 ranked companies divided into three categories: sub-advisors, VIT managers, and insurance proprietary.

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Fund Alerts Search Fund Alerts

A web-based service that highlights most important SEC filings pertaining to variable annuity underlying funds daily. Through Fund Alerts one may stay on top of latest VA underlying funds, pricing changes, sub-advisor changes, and advisory arrangements.

7/24/2024 - Invesco V.I. Government Securities
7/24/2024 - Pacific Select Technology
7/22/2024 - VALIC I Small Cap Growth
7/19/2024 - Pioneer Strategic Income VCT
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